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Garden Gnome Infant / Toddler Costume

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   Brand: Disguise    Original Price : $29.34    List Price : low price to display

Cheap Garden Gnome Infant / Toddler Costume Information

  • Includes Jumpsuit, Beard, Hat, And Booties

Garden Gnome Infant / Toddler Costume Review

Includes jumpsuit, beard, hat, and booties.

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Mother's Day Hat Cake


Garden Gnome Infant / Toddler Costume

2 round cakes, one 8-inch and one 9-inch, cooled.

Delightful Mother's Day Cake Ideas

4 cups buttercream icing

3 feet of fruit roll ribbon or ribbon made from fondant

Trim the edges of the 8-inch layer until it is 6 inches in diameter (or smaller if you want the brim to be wider in relation to the top). Set aside. Don't level because the mound on the layer will give the hat a nice curve. Do level the 9-inch layer, which will form the brim.

Place the 9-inch layer on a cake plate. Smooth on buttercream or filling. If adding filling, pipe a dam with the buttercream so filling doesn't ooze out after the top layer is added.

Then set the 6-inch layer on top, smoothing buttercream over the entire hat.

If using fondant for the ribbon and bow, create these separately and then attach to the hat, using icing as glue. If using fruit roll ribbon, wrap around the hat, and then tie a bow in the back, allowing ends to gracefully trail down.

You may want to decorate the hat with flowers, such as buttercream roses, or with a combination of flowers and figures - perhaps daisies and a bumblebee! You could even create a straw hat pattern by pressing a fork into the buttercream. The hat may be elegant, whimsical, silly, fancy, or whatever best matches the guest of honor's tastes and style. Remember to leave room for piping your "Happy Mother's Day" message.

The Hat Cake instructions are adapted from Volume 2 of our "Cake Decorating Made Easy!" Video Books. Here's what one reader had to say about them:

"Well worth the investment. A fabulous gathering of tips, techniques, and recipes that only experience can offer."

I. Moser. Murrells Inlet, South Carolina

Need help getting your buttercream nice and smooth? Check out our article, Perfectly Smooth Buttercream!

And here are some more Mother's Day cake ideas!

Vegetable Garden Cake

This is a great cake idea for a mother who loves gardening as much as she loves reminding her children to eat their vegetables.

The rows of carrot tops and cabbages are created with modeled gum paste or marzipan. Make these ahead of time so you can place them on the cake before the buttercream crusts. But you can also use icing to attach any that don't get planted in time.

Once your cake is covered with smooth buttercream, create your garden by arranging your sugarcraft veggies in neat rows.

Remember, little details make a big difference in the "Wow" factor of a cake. So with that in mind, add to your garden items such as a miniature watering can and rake purchased at a craft store or modeled along with the vegetables. If as a child, you gardened with your mother, maybe you could model a mom and child too. If you're not the perfect sculptor, no worries - just go for whimsical!

Finally add a Mother's Day message. No room between the turnips and sweet peas? A clever way to add your message is to write it on miniature garden signs that you insert among the vegetable rows.

To do this, cut out small rectangles of paper, write one word of your message on each piece (so that you can make each word large enough to see well), and then glue the signs to toothpicks. Insert the toothpicks among the rows so that they read "Happy Mother's Day!" Or you could spell out a Mother's Day greeting that ties in with the garden theme.

Blooming Garden Cake

If Mom prefers flower gardens, make a variation on the Vegetable Garden Cake, creating flower beds instead of vegetable beds with your gum paste or marzipan.

Or use decorating bags, tips and icing to create the flower garden. First create the flowers, and then using green icing, pipe stems and leaves onto a smooth buttercream covered cake.

A couple other ways to create the flowers: Apply fondant flower cutouts, or for a three dimensional effect, add gumpaste flowers created with molds.

Then add your details. Does Mom fancy butterflies? Songbirds? Honeybees? Maybe a child peeking out from the flowers could be piped into the design. Remember, craft stores carry many miniatures that can be used to decorate cakes. Add your Mother's Day message, and enjoy the look of delight on Mom's face!

Delightful Mother's Day Cake Ideas

Looking for more details on how to make your Mother's Day and other cakes truly delightful? Sign up for our free newsletter at [http://www.CakeAnswers.com] and receive more cake decorating tips, along with step by step videos (from our Cake Decorating Made Easy! Video Books).

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